Remote Caller Profile Example

 Remote Caller Profile Sample

Remote Caller Profile # 100

Full Name: 
Conrad Caller
City and State: 
Red Bank, New Jersey
Do you agree to the Terms and Conditions of The Remote Appointment Setter Agreement? 
Years of Calling Experience: 
Languages Spoken: 
List any Insurance/Securities Licenses or Designations that you currently hold: 
N.J. Life Licenses
List Work Experience Related to Cold Calling, Appointment Setting and TeleSales: 
Telephone appointments, face to face appointments and lead generation for Life/Health/P&C insurance agents and financial planners for health insurance, mortgage insurance, investments. Cold calls, warm leads, live lead transfers, and leads provided through CRM. Also have appointment experience for in-home sales for solar, roofing, kitchen & bath remodeling. Both B2C and B2B. Also, sell life insurance. 
Do you have any or all of the following Calling Devices: Landline, Cell Phone, Computer? 
Please answer Yes or No to the next 5 questions regarding pay. Is 100% Commission okay? 
Is being paid Hourly okay? 
What is your Minimum Hourly Rate?
Is being paid Hourly Plus Commission okay? 
Is being paid Per Appointment Set okay? 
Is being paid Per Lead Called okay? 
What is the Initial minimum number of calling hours you require? 
Please list acceptable methods of payment, such as PayPal, direct deposit or check? 
PayPal, Check
What Time Zone are you in? 
Your Availability: (Please use this format: Mon. 9am - 2pm, Tue. 6pm - 8:30pm): 
Monday - Friday  9:00am - 1pm, 6pm - 9pm. Sat. 9am to 12pm.
Additional Comments: 
I look forward to working with your company and utilizing my many years of telemarketing experience and appointment setting skills.
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